Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Wednesday Wisdom: Why would anyone in their right mind write a blog about Homeowner Associations?

Obviously, no one in their right mind would write a blog about HOAs, but I have never claimed to be in my right mind all the time. Sometime I get a little tired of the “Resident Obstructionists” who get so vocal about their “plight in life” of living in a Homeowners’ Association. The discontent in my mind started  when a person testifying to the legislature  before me, lied!

His testimony was, he as an investor owns homes in a number of associations and NOT ONE of the HOAs would work with him on his delinquencies. Also all collection efforts were flawed and full of gouging marauders who were lining their pockets on the backs of the little man .

As he walked pass me, sheepishly averting his eyes, I smiled and said, “Good to see you again!” He knew he had the upper hand, because as a professional HOA manager, I am prohibited by law of telling anyone about his account. However, He was in my office the day before the legislature hearing.

After purchasing a home at a bank foreclosure sale, Mr. Investor had not paid his assessments for some period of time that caused us as standard practice, to send a late letter, a 30 day late letter and a 60 day late letter and a certified 90 day late letter, followed by the 100 day - it is now going to collections on "x" day letter, and then at over 110 days delinquent to send the account to a professional debt collector.

When he came in the office, he indignantly complained, “I never got any notice you were sending me to collections!”

I showed him copies of the letters and  the certified letter receipt which he had signed two weeks before – that ended the discussion.

“Well I refuse to pay a professional collection service! You didn’t have to send me there.” he drew the line in the sand.

I explained, “Under the law, HOA managers can’t provide a service for which we are not licensed, I am sorry I am not a licensed debt collector. But let me call the service and see what we can do because it was only sent over this week.”

He agreed to pay what he owed the association. ( EDITORIAL COMMENT: Really it isn't the association he owed - he owed all of the other neighbors in the community who were paying their assessments and therefore carrying the weight of the burden of his debt.) We called the professional collection service and cancelled the account no charges for collections services.

Back at the legislative hearings, as he stride by me - The wild and wacky right side of my brain was acting like a five year old screaming inside my head, “Liar, Liar, pants on fire!” and wished that his britches would burst into flames right then and there...    Five year olds seldom get their wishes….

The logical left side of my brain was disappointed and pondered how you make a difference, when you are under the law not to share details about any of your clients. How do you start a dialogue that entertains, educates and shares a slice of life in homeowner associations that the media doesn’t cover when their ratings are tingling with “HOA Horror Stories” - we all know the television mantra - "If it bleeds, it leads."

You do it anonymously. You don’t give enough details to identify any association. You protect the identity of both the guilty and innocent. You tell the stories that many of your friends in the industry share with you. You tell the stories tongue in cheek for entertainment value. But you stay true to the concept that one post at a time, you can promote ideas that will help people understand at least one concept about living in an HOA. It is a place where we can all get along….. If we work at it.

I will work at this, and share it with those trusted individuals whose opinion I value and after I come up with at least a dozen posts with principles that will help you in your life as a volunteer Board member, a resident in a HOA, or a manager of a HOA. Then with my friends comments, guidance and assurance of confidentiality - It will be released publically.

P.S. My apologies to my high school English teacher and published authors and their editors who use proper grammar.

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