Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wednesday Wisdom: But it isn’t fair!!!

Being on the volunteer Board of Directors of an HOA or a HOA Manager should carry with it the requirement that applicants are the parent of two or more, close in age siblings, because you will often hear  - “But it isn’t fair!”

The point of fairness came into brilliant light and clarity this past week while watching a Sunday morning news show with two of my favorite political commentators James Carville and Mary Matalin.  (Editorial comment from the right side of my brain: 1. I can’t believe that two people who are so politically passionate opposite, are married.  2. I offer my deepest sympathy to whoever is their HOA manager   3. Did you ever notice that James Carville will, without hesitation, interrupt any other speaker, but is well trained and never, ever interrupts Matalin.)

During the program, which was not about Homeowner Associations, someone commented “they want to privatize their profits and socialize their losses.”  It is a take -off on a quote  attributed to Andrew Jackson in 1834, on closing the Second Bank of the United States, “I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the Bank. ... You are a den of vipers and thieves.”

The mortgage lending crisis has caused a big problem for homeowner associations because the strong banking lobby has put in safe guards that exempts the lenders from paying all  pass due assessments, except for generally 6 or 9 months. (Florida’s exception is for  12 months of pass due assessments).  This is referred to as a “super- priority lien”. Banks, not wanting to bring the properties onto the accounting books allow foreclosures to drag out for 18 months to 3 years,  the properties sit vacant, the mortgage not being paid, and the assessments to the association not being paid.    With the banking bailout and private mortgage insurance, the banks are covering their losses.   But associations can only reach out to the other homeowners who are paying their assessments and require an “allowance for doubtful accounts”.     

Now throw in the investors, who pick up the properties at a foreclosure sale and want to flip the property.   They don’t want to pay, they need to make a profit.  

What is a Board of Directors to do?   It isn’t fair…  the lenders  want to privatize their profits and socialize their losses.  The investors are just trying to make a living.

What is a Manager of an HOA to do?  It isn’t fair – the manager is usually the face of the HOA,  and the butt of the jokes.   

It isn’t fair, but it is my job.   It is a job I aspire to, because I believe that my homeowners deserve reasoned analysis and compassionate customer service .  It is a job that requires education, experience, training, testing, endurance, common sense and sometimes, the skills that only a parent can understand when someone says, “It isn’t fair.”